Jennifer Siegal-Gaskins (OSU/Caltech)

An Anisotropy Analysis of the Diffuse Gamma-ray Background Measured by the Fermi-LAT

The contribution of unresolved sources to the diffuse gamma-ray background could induce anisotropies in this emission on small angular scales. Recent studies have considered the angular power spectrum and other anisotropy metrics as tools for identifying the contributions to diffuse emission from unresolved source classes, such as extragalactic and Galactic dark matter as well as various astrophysical gamma-ray source populations. I will present the results of an angular power spectrum analysis of the high-latitude diffuse emission measured by the Fermi Large Area Telescope, and discuss the implications of the measured angular power spectrum for gamma-ray source populations that may provide a contribution to the diffuse background.

The PDF of the talk can be found here