Planet Connection
Enjoy reserved seating at CIERA presentations and lectures for the public
Receive inside information and brief summaries of exciting astronomy discoveries made by CIERA researchers
$100 - $499
from under $10/mo.

Stellar Connection
Planet Benefits plus:
Learn from individual and small-group viewings of exciting astronomical objects and phenomena through Northwestern’s historic Dearborn telescope
$500 - 1,499
from under $45/mo. |

Supernova Connection
Stellar Benefits plus:
Get access to CIERA scientists who will answer any of your questions about recent news in astronomy
Meet and interact with distinguished visiting scientists speaking at the Annual Public Lecture, and other CIERA events
$1,500 - $2,999
from $125/mo. |

Galaxy Connection
Supernova Benefits plus:
Join private, behind-the-scenes tours of local science museums, telescope observatories, and national labs
$3,000 - $4,999
from $250/mo. |

Universe Connection
Galaxy Benefits plus:
Enjoy dinner with the CIERA director, other faculty and postdoctoral researchers
Contribute ideas for our science educaton programs, with the potential of bringing a CIERA program to the school district of interest to you
Identify specific CIERA activities to support, including naming opportunities
The fair market value of the Universe Connection benefits is estimated at $65 per year (one dinner annually) |
$5,000 +
from under $420/mo. |