An Invitation to Join the CIERA Circle

| * Are you intrigued by distant planets, black holes, and galaxies?
* Are you eager to know more about the cosmos?
* Would you enjoy interacting with astronomers and visiting Chicagos most renowned national labs?
* Are you concerned about the thinning pipeline in STEM education, especially for women?
Then you may be excited to hear about an initiative at Northwestern University: CIERA Circle. The CIERA Circle is a community of Northwestern alumni and friends who help support CIERA’s pioneering research in astronomy and astrophysics and innovative programs in science education and outreach across all ages.
CIERA, the Center for Interdisciplinary Exploration and Research in Astrophysics, was founded in 2007 with the goal of establishing Northwestern as a world leader in astronomy research.
Our faculty, postdocs, and students have amassed an impressive array of awards and honors since then, and our cutting-edge research continues to attract the nation’s best young researchers.
Help us continue working towards our goal by becoming a member of the CIERA Circle. You can choose your annual commitment level: from the Planet Connection with contributions under $10 per month, to the Universe Connection, with monthly contributions just above $400, and many levels in between. All contributions are tax-deductible.
Your annual membership comes with a host of benefits and opportunities
depending on your level of commitment and may include:
- Reserved seating at CIERA presentations and lectures for the public
- Insightful summaries of the exciting discoveries made by CIERA researchers
- Individual and small-group viewings through Northwestern’s historic Dearborn telescope
- Direct access to CIERA scientists available to answer your questions and discuss recent astronomical discoveries and theories
- Meetings with our distinguished visiting scientists
- Behind-the-scenes tours of local science museums, telescope observatories, and national labs
- Opportunities to contribute ideas for CIERA science-education programs benefiting the district of interest to you