Astrophysics Seminars for Spring 2008

Past Astrophysics Seminars

Seminars are at 4:00 PM on Tuesdays. Seminars will be held in the conference room
on the second floor of Dearborn Observatory, unless otherwise noted

Apr. 1 Dr. Brenda Matthews Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics Kuiper Belts Around Nearby Stars: Toward a Statistical Understanding Across the Stellar Mass Spectrum Giles Novak
Apr. 8 Dr. Patrick Brady University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee Exploring the Transient Universe with Gravitational Waves Ilya Mandel
Apr. 15 Dr. Daniela Calzetti University of Massachusetts Star Formation: the Pathfinder of Galaxy Evolution Dave Meyer
Apr. 22 Dr. Richard White Space Telescope Science Institute Signals from the Noise in the FIRST Survey Farhad Zadeh
May 6 Dr. Massimo Marengo Harvard/Smithsonian CfA A Spitzer View of the Epsilon Eridani Planetary System Vicky Kalogera
May 13 Dr. Anthony Piro UC Berkeley The Simmering Stage of Type Ia Supernovae Chris Deloye
June 3 Dr. Manuela Campanelli Rochester Institute of Technology Numerical Relativity in the new Age: Astrophysical Black Hole Binaries and Gravitational Waves Fred Rasio