“Polarized FIR Emission from T Tauri Disks”

Dr. Jungyeon Cho
Chungnam National University, Korea
Recently far infra-red (FIR) polarization of the 850µm continuum emission from T Tauri disks has been detected. The observed degree of polarization is around 3 % or less. Since thermal emission from dust grains dominates the spectral energy distribution at the FIR regime, dust grains might be the cause of the polarization. In the presence of magnetic field, dust grains can get aligned by radiative torque and the aligned grains can produce polarized emission in infrared wavelengths. We explore alignment of dust grains by radiative torque in T Tauri disks and provide predictions for polarized emission for disks viewed at different wavelengths and viewing angles. Our study indicates that multi-frequency infrared polarimetric studies of protostellar disks can provide good insights into the details of their magnetic structure.