First I will review the evolution of massive stars, their burning
stages and nucleosynthesis. Then I will give an overview how their
evolution changes as a function of initial stellar mass and how it
depends on the initial metallicity. Here I will focus on two extreme
cases: present-day stars with composition like our sun, and primordial
stars that form from the composition left by the big bang -- the first
stars to form in the universe. Finally, I will give an overview on
the final fate of massive single stars: the type of explosion they
make and what kind of remnants they leave, both as a function of mass
and metallicity.
Tuesday, February 18th at 4:00 p.m.
All seminars are at 4:00 PM on Tuesdays, in the seminar room
on the second floor of Dearborn Observatory
Refreshments will be served at 3:30