This International Conference will be held on the occasion of Ron Webbink's 65th birthday, which also coincides with Peter Eggleton's and Ed van den Heuvel's 70th birthday. It is hard to resist such a wonderful opportunity for a triple celebration!
The main scientific themes of the meeting will cover interacting binaries of all kinds, in galactic fields and dense clusters some with compact objects as sources across the electromagnetic and gravitational-wave spectra.
- June 14, 2010: In our Sixth Announcement we provide further detals concerning the guided tour of Delos and the Delos tour with a boat tour of beaches. We remind you that if you are *NOT* staying at the conference hotel and you have guests who are planning to attend Monday's Reception or Wendsday's Banquet, please use the hotel reservation form to inform the hotel and to provide them with your payment information.
- June 9, 2010: Information about the Conference Proceedings will be posted here as it becomes available.
- June 4, 2010: Important information for Poster Preparation is now available.
- May 22, 2010: A Fifth Announcement was released asking speakers to check the titles of their talks in the Scientific Program and those planning to bring posters to send us an e-mail confirming this. The deadline for changes in talk titles and confirming that you are bringing a poster is May 31, 2010. We also ask that anyone *NOT* staying at the conference hotel please follow the instructions for letting the hotel know if you are planing to bring any guests to Monday's reception or Wednesday's Banquet.
- April 20, 2010: A Fourth Announcement was released including information about the scientific program and travel information.
- March 16, 2010: A tentative Scientific Program is now available. Also available is the Third Announcement for “Binary Star Evolution: Mass Loss, Accretion, and Mergers”.
- March 12, 2010: A List of Participants is now available. Also available is a hotel reservation form. Anyone interested in finding a roommate for the confreence can use our Find-A-Roommate web form.
- February 12, 2010: Registration is now open! Important deadlines: Abstract Submission - Feb 24; Early Registration - March 22; Hotel Reservation - April 19
- February 12, 2010: Second Announcement for “Binary Star Evolution: Mass Loss, Accretion, and Mergers”
- December 7, 2009: First Announcement for “Binary Star Evolution: Mass Loss, Accretion, and Mergers”
