May 2013 February 2013
  • Aaron Geller, current Lindheimer Postdoctoral Fellow, was awarded an NSF Astronomy and Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellowship (AAPF). The AAPF award funds a three-year integrated program of independent research and education, which Dr. Geller will carry out at Northwestern in CIERA and the Department of Physics & Astronomy. The AAPF program is intended to recognize early-career investigators of significant potential and to provide them with experience in research and education that will establish them in positions of distinction and leadership in the community.

  • Michelle Paulsen was named Scientist of the Month for February 2013 by the Association for Women in Science in Chicago. Michelle is the Director of Reach for the Stars, an NSF funded GK12 program that is a joint collaboration between CIERA and OSEP, the Office of STEM Education Partnerships. The article focuses on Michelle's work with GK-12, her enthusiasm for education, and her work to help increase the effectiveness of science communication through Ready, Set, Go, the TGS STEM Communication Fellowship program.
January 2013
  • CIERA Postdoctoral Fellow Daryl Haggard was one of two elected to the American Astronomical Society Executive Committee, for a term of three years. In her work on that Committee, Daryl aims to draw early-career researchers to the Division, and to improve the connection between high-energy astrophysicists and those studying lower-energy phenomena.
December 2012 October 2012