EXTREME SOLAR SYSTEMS III — Second Announcement — 11/3/2015



The final deadline to register for the meeting is TODAY, Tuesday, November 3rd.

To register online, go to http://aas.org/meetings/exss/registration.

If you know of any colleagues who plan to attend the conference but may not have registered yet please let them know this is their last chance!


A (nearly final) draft schedule of talks is now available at http://legacy.ciera.northwestern.edu/Hawaii2015/program.html.

Even with a very densely packed schedule, only about 1/3 of submitted requests for talks could be accommodated. Therefore, nearly 200 participants who submitted an abstract requesting a talk have instead been invited to present a poster. Posters will be displayed prominently around the main conference areas, and will remain on display for the whole week, providing plenty of time for viewing during lunch, coffee breaks, and evenings.

Talks are nominally all 15 minutes, including questions. However, session chairs can make some adjustments, at their discretion and in consultation with all speakers in each session. Some talks could be as short as 10 minutes; others perhaps need as much as 20 minutes. If you would like to give a slightly shorter or longer talk, please contact your session chair directly. Talks should focus on the newest results and mention introductory material only very briefly. All speakers within the same session are encouraged to coordinate their presentations so as to avoid overlap (e.g., repetition of the same introductory slides).

Posters should be printed so that they fit within the following maximum size: 44"x44" (i.e., 1.1m on each side). Mounting supplies (pushpins etc.) will be provided. If possible please set up your poster on Sunday afternoon before the opening reception. The location of your poster will be indicated with your poster number (on the printed program handed out at registration).

A full list of all presentations (posters and talks) with abstracts will be available soon on the conference web site.

If you need to update your title or abstract before publication, please contact Kathy Cox at the AAS (kathy.cox@aas.org) as soon as possible.


The final deadline to book a room at the main conference hotel is this Friday, November 6th.

Please go to http://aas.org/meetings/exss/travel_and_lodging to make your reservation online, or call +1-808-886-6789. Room rates start at US $145 per night plus tax. Those of you interested in finding a roommate should visit the AAS roommate forum at http://forums.aas.org/viewforum.html?f=57.

Warning: some conference participants have been contacted by organizations claiming to assist with hotel accommodations. These are scam operations! They will likely charge your credit card and leave you without hotel accommodations. You should only use the AAS web site or phone number above to book your room at the conference hotel.


The conference program will start on Sunday afternoon, Nov 29, with registration, and an opening reception in the evening (tentatively from 6-8 PM). The banquet, a traditional Hawaiian luau (included in the registration fee) will be on Thursday evening at the hotel (see http://www.sunsetluau.com). Wednesday afternoon is free. For a list of local attractions and tour services see http://www.marriott.com/hotels/local-things-to-do/koamc-waikoloa-beach-marriott-resort-and-spa/. The conference ends Friday afternoon, Dec 4, at around 5:30 PM.

The LOC is working on organizing several group activities, including a visit to Mauna Kea on Wednesday. Please check our web site in a few days for updates.